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Police Stressors: Brief Examples

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What are some traumatic events and other stressors that occur on a daily basis for police officers?

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100 words from a reference and notes are cited to express briefly some traumatic events and other stressors that occur on a daily basis for police officers.

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As you briefly brainstorm some traumatic events and other stressors that occur on a daily basis for police officers, physical constraints on the body definitely manifest and are typical. One of my relatives, an officer, complains about the resistance when making arrests and how he faces whiplash, neck and back strains and pains, often, living in chronic pain from the labors of the job.

Mental pressures also take a toll. Experts state how "apprehension of criminals while needing to maintain their rights, irregular work schedule, danger inherent in the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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