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Retirement and Culture

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I need some thoughts on identifying the influences that impact retirement and that are also relevant to cultural differences.

The concept of retirement differs with cultural expectations and personal expectations. Even among compatible partners, it can be hard to arrive at mutually agreed-upon decisions. Our individual expectations may have been conditioned by our personal upbringing, by past experiences, and by lifelong involvement in the workforce. For example, a group of people in a small, remote farming community who have lived in a collectivist type of environment might have different perceptions of a successful life experience than those in an urban environment. These differences lead to different preferences for retirement arrangements.

Discuss the concept of retirement from their perspectives of collectivism and individualism, addressing at least the following questions:
- How does one's perspective on community or independent living evolve?
- What are the influences that affect decisions about retirement?

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The solution looks at how attitudes to retirement affect life, paying attention to how retirement can be a positive change, but not ignoring the deterioration in health that can accompany it. 445 words with reference.

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A helpful book in this area of aging and specifically to listening to interviews with how to age well, refer to Vaillant, G.E. (2002)"Aging Well" New York: Little Brown Company

Influences that impact retirement and considers cultural differences

1. Retirement can be a positive stage in one's life
i) they have reached the end of a long, experienced life and career and often people respect their knowledge and see them as wise- Keeper of the meaning. For example in Vaillant book, page 151, he interviews a man aged 75, Prof. Stone. Although life has thrown him some curves, like his wife becoming crippled with MS, critics at work, he still reads and writes Physics papers for ...

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