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underlying self esteem issues

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You have a client who has come to you because they are having difficulty getting along with their new boss. After conducting a history and a couple of sessions you find that your client has difficulty making and sustaining relationships, and has had 5 jobs in the last 2 years. The only information the client gives is that things go very well in the beginning both personally and professionally, but your client feels compelled to assist everyone and provide his input rather than support, which can be at inopportune times. Following his extensive attempts to assist others he finds that people begin talking to him less or appear agitated with him. Relationship after relationship, and job after job the scenario is always the same.

This scenario is explained.

What is your client transferring? How would you address this client's transference to assist him in becoming more accountable for his actions?

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This job identifies underlying self esteem issues.

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It is possible that the client is transferring his feelings of inadequacy by trying to make others feel as he does in regards to their work not being "good enough" or by being critical at inappropriate times may appear to the client that his self worth is higher. ...

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