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Sensory and Motor Pathways - How Movement Occurs

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Different sensory motor and cognitive responses are mediated by several structures distributed over large areas of the brains a whole even the simplest task requires the co ordinated activity of many regions in the nervous system.

Help needed; what route does the movement of a left foot take from which area of the brain and what sections are involved as above question.
Also the same for touching something hot, route and associated areas please for me to write an essay.
What evidence is relevant?

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Solution Summary

This is an explanation of how the brain is an important mediator in the interpretation of sensory information and the subsequent motor movement. Topics overviewed are the brain areas involved in sensation and motor function, pathways to and from the brain, and pain perception (related to heat). Examples are also included.

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There are four major areas of the brain: the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the occipital lobe. In general, each of these areas is associated with a particular function.

Frontal lobe: Executive function (planning and organization), motor control
Parietal lobe: Somatosensation and perception
Temporal lobe: Auditory info
Occipital lobe: Visual info

In general, all of the information coming in from your body, somatic sensation, goes to the parietal lobe first and all of the motor information going out, movement, leaves from your frontal lobe. The frontal lobe and parietal lobe are separated by the central sulcus. Just behind the central sulcus is ...

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