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Listening to Books and Performing Other Tasks

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Please assist with providing a good argument that states that certain people can listen to books on tape/CD and still perform other tasks. I have a boss that believes that since he can't concentrate on the book and do his job that no one else can. I need a good strong argument and facts that claim that certain people actually do well when listening to things like books and music.

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Listening to books and performing other tasks is briefly debated in the solution.

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Although there are not too many studies to validate the books on CD theory, you might present some findings that show how listening to music definitely stimulates the brain. When Googling brain research and music or music therapy, you will see many articles related to your topics.

Thus, you might argue that research strongly shows that the body-mind connection is activated when music is used and actually reactivates "speech centers of the brain, prompt memory and improve gait and coordination" ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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