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The Laws of Association

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The British Associations, sitting in their armchairs several centuries ago, identified a number of laws of association, of which the most important were contiguity, frequency, and intensity.

In research, several principles have been shown to affect the strength of association between stimuli.

1) Based on life experiences in learning, provide an example of each of the following principles of association: contiguity, frequency, and intensity.

2) Select one of your examples. Describe how a different principle of association might explain this example.

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Your tutorial is 357 words plus a scholarly reference giving several examples of the different ways two stimuli may become associated. An article refuting contiguity as a cause for association is mentioned.

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1) Based on life experiences in learning, provide an example of each of the following principles of association: contiguity, frequency, and intensity.

Contiguity: This is about the stimuli (sensation and ideas usually) being close to each other in time. That is, the two stimuli occur together. When you see one, you see the other. They get linked in your mind so that you begin to expect to see both. Salt? You thought of pepper, right? Spoon? You think of fork, right? Washer ? Dryer. And so forth.

Frequency: This is the law that says that the longer two stimuli are linked, the stronger the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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