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Grief Psychology

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This question is about current trends and issues that affect today's aged population.

- Describe the biological changes that occur in late adulthood, and identify how health and fitness affect the aging process.
- Contrast the overall decline of memory, language processing, and problem-solving abilities in late adults with the benefits of practical knowledge and life experiences they offer.
- Explain the biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that affect people's ability to cope with dying.
- Discuss how grieving the loss of a loved one is influenced by individual and circumstantial factors.

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The following posting answers questions about coping with the loss of loved ones.

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- Describe the biological changes that occur in late adulthood, and identify how health and fitness affect the aging process.

Late adulthood is considered to occur in those who are 60 or older. There is a loss in height, as bone tissue is lost in the skeletal system. This loss is bone density differs from osteoporosis, which is a malady that affects approximately two-thirds of women over the age of 60 in the United States. Loss of bone density is a normal result of aging. Loss of muscle mass is fairly significant in those 60 and older and can be the cause of weight loss among the aged. Skin begins to sag and wrinkle as firmness and elasticity in the skin are lost. Nose and ears begin to lengthen and broaden and in some cases there is loss of bone density in the jaw. Hair continues to thin and gray, although the rate of change to the hair varies according to individual genetic make-up. Vision and hearing continue to diminish throughout late adulthood. Fine and gross motor skills are affected as people age. Walking and balance are affected, as are handwriting and holding utensils. There are changes to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as well.

Generally, women have undergone menopause in middle age. As estrogen levels decline, women become more vulnerable to heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Men's testosterone levels begin to lower in middle age, however, men are not ...

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