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APA Situational Ethical Cases Review: Multiple Roles

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You (psychologist) encounter your client in the check-out lane of your local grocery store. Your client greets you, tells you that he or she has recently moved to your community and is delighted that you will now be neighbors. Your client asks what street you live on and wants a recommendation on the best schools in the neighborhood.

According to American Psychological Association or the American Counseling Association, are there ethical and legal concerns being exposed in this scenario (A)? If so, specifically identify the ethical standards that apply.

You (psychologist) go to your clinic waiting room to call a client in for an individual session. Your client greets you and introduces her or his father, saying he or she is having ongoing communication difficulties with the father and wants you to help. You realize that the father is someone you have seen as a client in the previous six months.

According to American Psychological Association or the American Counseling Association, are there ethical and legal concerns being exposed in this scenario (B)? If so, specifically identify the ethical standards that apply.

Your client, with whom you (psychologist) ended therapy over 18 months ago, calls to request a copy of her or his medical records. This client failed to pay his or her therapy bills for the final two months of therapy.

According to American Psychological Association or the American Counseling Association, are there ethical and legal concerns being exposed in this scenario (C)? If so, specifically identify the ethical standards that apply.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides information, assistance and advise in tackling the task (see above) on the topic of ethical case reviews, with a focus on therapy relationships and fees. Resources are listed for further exploration of the topic.

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Dear Student,
Hi and thank you for using Brainmass. The solution below should get you started. In this particular task, you are asking for help in putting together a discussion on the topic of ethical dilemmas. I suggest using this simple outline:

1. Q&A - relations in therapy - 100 words
2. Q&A - relations in therapy - 100 words
3. Q&A - relations in therapy - 100 words

This outline should yield 300 words which should cover what you need. You can also use the listed resources to further explore the topic. Just let me know via the feedback section if you need further clarification. All the best with your studies.

AE 105878/Xenia Jones

Situational Ethical Cases Review

The case - "You (psychologist) encounter your client in the check-out lane of your local grocery store. Your client greets you, tells you that he or she has recently moved to your community and is delighted that you will now be neighbours. Your client asks what street you live on and wants a recommendation on the best schools in the neighbourhood."

The case pertains to client-therapist relationship outside of the workspace. While private lives are separate from that of work life, in the case of a psychologist, it creates multiple relationships that can impact objectivity in therapy. According parts of Section 1.05 on Multiple Relationships - "A psychologist refrains from entering into a multiple ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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