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Analysis of the mechanical properties of different materials

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Stress, Strain, Toughness, Resilience, Youngs Modulus, Ductility for different types of material including metals, ceramics and plastics are examined and compared Please see the attachment. Let me know if you would like me to restrict the posting to you. Thank you!

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Stress, Strain, Toughness, Resilience, Youngs Modulus, Ductility for different types of material including metals, ceramics and plastics are examined and compared

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Stress, Strain, Toughness, Resilience, Youngs Modulus, Ductility for different types of material including metals, ceramics and plastics are examined and compared

Please see attachment. I have provided some resources as well in the links, thanks

A plot of relative Stress- Strain curves for different materials is shown below

We can expand the plot for the metal trace and define some quantities.

Young's Modulus (also known as the modulus of elasticity) is defined as the ratio of the incremental stress to the resulting incremental strain in the "elastic"(linear) region of the stress-strain curve (ie before the yield point).

Thus when looking at the diagram we define Young's Modulus mathematically

Tensile ...

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