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Incompleteness Of Skinner's Theory

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1. The Incompleteness of Skinner's Theory: What other theories might compliment Skinner's position or sort of pick up where he left off for a more "complete" picture of human motivation?

2. How does culture affect the importance of monetary rewards? Provide an example to support your position.

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The incompleteness of Skinner's Theory is determined.

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According to a paper by J.R. Lindner (1998), it seems that Maslow's theory of needs is a true motivator, and needs to be used to augment and compliment any concept of conditioning. This paper was an empirical one - they actually polled people, asking what really motivated them. The primary motive was "interesting work." (Lindner, 1998).

In addition, we can use Herzberg's approach: intrinsic motivators are what creates satisfaction and hence, motivation (Herzberg, et al, 1959). The nature of the work, far more than pay, is significant in terms of motivation. The reason why Skinner is such a problem is that he explains too much. Conditioning has no intrinsic end - under the right conditions, anyone can be conditioned to do anything. Yet, what is missing is the fact that people do have such ends, and they seem to be closely related to work that is interesting and rewarding.

Adam's approach from 1965 stresses how employees look at each other. Conditioning is nowhere to be found. The main motivation is how I am being treated as ...

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