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differentiating between generalization and universal statements

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1) In recent months, conservatives have been celebrating the feats of computer technology in war.
2) Stockbrokers are notorious for using everything from tide tables to football games to make market prognostications.
3) Every great advance. every profound insight in the sciences and other intellectual disciplines, has torn down barriers and distinctions between those disciplines.
4) ......it is precisely values that our education system lacks.

1) Steve: the ancient greeks made great strides in scientific thinking.
Lisa: oh, come on. Just think of the staggering multitude of advances made in the past hundred years: the harnessing of electricity and Einsteinian physics, for example. Don't these sorts of examples prove to you that the greeks weren't the smartest people in history?
2) During a study break at the college library, kent mentions his new histoy course to paige. "my history course is really going to be difficult. In the first two weeks, we've covered three long chapters in the textbook. there ae weekly assignments in addition to four major papers that we'll have to write."
Paige is puzzled. "You told me before that this course was nopt required for graduation. I dont understand. If you don't like the course, why dont you drop it?"
3) Lieutenant Wren, ending a few minutes of quiet reflection, coments earnestly to her husband, "you know, I'm finding that I really respect Major Zeleny." Her husband responds, "i'm glad to hear that. Its certainly important to like the people you work with."

Thank you it would be greatly appreciated. I really need the help.

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Solution Summary

This job helps with differentiating between generalization and universal statements.

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Let me first say that I can't give you answers to any exercises, but I can (hopefully) help you to see how to sort out confusions. In addition, I am not entirely sure what you mean by "generalization." This term is applicable to both existential/particular and universal statements. Depending on the context, it is applied to universals...

The following exercises seem to me to be asking you to distinguish between particular and universal statements. A particular statement is one that refers to at least one thing in a class. A universal statement is one that refers to everything in a class or everything in the universe. How to read a statement when the linguistic quantifier (e.g., "some," "all," "many," "every," and so on) is missing, you must look at the context of the statement. In other words, does the statement read in such a way that the particular or universal quantifier is intended? One way to help figure which one is ...

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