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Kant, Social Darwinism and the Prisoner's Dilemma

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Social Darwinism is an adaptation of Darwin's theory of evolution to human affairs. Explain what social Darwinism is and how Kant would relate to it. Also, explain the "Prisoner's Dilemma" in relation to Social Darwinism. Are they compatible or incompatible? Why?

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A discussion about the compatibility of social Darwinism and Kant's philosophy. Additionally it includes an explanation of the "Prisoner's Dilemma" and whether it is compatible to social Darwinism. Nearly 400 words of original text along with links to informative websites.

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Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism is the application of Darwin's evolutionary theories to society. Essentially they call for allowing people within a society to compete without intervention. In this scenario the strongest will succeed and the weaker will be vanquished. Government and other organizations should not attempt to prop up or rescue the weak as this would retain the weak elements of society which would result in weakening all of society. According to Social Darwinism this will benefit the public.


Kant would be opposed to the theory of ...

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