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evaluate the integral

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I just uploaded a pdf that may help. Also please explain in detail how to get the limits since I have 2 other similar problems.

Thank you all very much!!

So far I have:
If we set Z=1/X, then F(z)=P[Z<=z]=P[1/X<=z]=the integral of f(x)
and f(x)=(1/pi)(1/(1+x^2))

The problem is I can't seem to figure out the limits I should have on my integral. I believe the upper limit should be 1/X, but I'm not positive and I have no idea what the lower limit should be.

Once I have the limits so I can properly evaluate the integral, then I need to take the derivative to find f(z).

If anyone can help me finish this it would be great!! I really need help!!

Thank you very much!!

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to evaluate the integral.

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