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Algorithm Timing

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How much time does an algorithm take to solve a problem of size n if this algorithm uses 2n^2 + 2^n bit operations, each requiring 10^-9 second, with these values of n?
i) 10
ii) 20
iii) 50
iv) 100

I need help with a question, the attachment contains the question as well as what I think is the answer. Could someone please tell me if my answer looks right. If it is not right what steps should be taken to solve the problem.


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The expert examines algorithm timing problems.

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How much time does an algorithm take to solve a problem of size n if this algorithm uses 2n^2 + 2^n bit operations, each requiring 10^-9 second, with these values of n?
i) 10
ii) 20
iii) 50
iv) 100

We need to go through a ...

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