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Minimum and maximum surface areas of a cube are found.

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I need to find the maximum and minimum surface areas for 2 cubes with a total volume of 432 in^3. No other perameters are specified. I've been able to use common sense to find the max is 432 sq/inches (two 6"^3 cubes) and min is 343.051 sq (one 7.5595"^3 cube and one cube of 0.171"^3). I need help with the equations for the maxima and minima.

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Minimum and maximum surface areas of a cube are found. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a rating of "5/5" from the student who originally posted the question.

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Suppose the two cubes have size x and y inches, respectively, then the volume of the first cube is x^3 and the volumn of the second ...

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