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Algebra problem set and solution

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1. use the intercepts to graph the equation. Please use a graph like the attached


2. Determine the slope of the line shown below.m=?

3. Solve then graph. 6x≥30

Choose the correct solution
a. {xlx≥5}
b. {xlx>5}
c. {xlx<5}
d. {xlx&#8804;5}

also graph.

4. is this graph below a function. Yes or no.

5. Trains A and B are traveling in the same directions on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 100 miles per hour and Train B is traveling at 110 miles per hour. Train A passes a station at 1:15 AM. If train B passes the same station at 1:27 AM, at what time will train B catch up to train A?

What time will train B catch up with Train A?

6. solve by the substitution method. Show all work

8x+5y= -27

7. graph the system of inequalities.

y&#8805; -4
x&#8805; 6

8. solve then graph.
The solution is {yly>?

y-4> -17

also, graph. Use brackets if necessary or parenthesis. Be specific

9. find the slope, if it exists

x= -6

10. graph th eline containing the given pair of points and find the slope. Show all work

(4,1), (-6, -4)

11. solve the system of equations by graphing. Then classify the sytem as consistent or inconsistent and as dependent or independent.

5x-6y= -42

solution of systemof equations? no solution, infinitely many solutions or a point
Consistent or inconsistent?
Dependent or independent?

12. evaluate

p+q/6 for p=55 q=5

simplify your answer

13. graph the equation and identify the y-intercept

y+x= -6

14. solve by the elimination method

what is the solution of the system


15. solve using the multiplication principle. Don't forget to perform a check. Show all work. The solution is x=?

7x= -49

16. solve using the multiplication principle. Don't forget to perform a check.

-5/8x= -9/10

17. collect like terms


18. in 1993 the life expectancy of males in a certain country was 72.6 years. In 2000, it was 74.8 years. Let E represent the life expectancy in year t and let t represent the number of years since 1993.

The linear function E(t) that fits the data is

E(t)=? t+? round to the nearest tenth

Use the function to predict the life expectancy of males in 2006
E(13) (round to the nearest 10th)

19. 50% of what number is 45?

20. solve. 8x-(3x+7)=18


21. solve

6> -4x+5 or 10 &#8804; -5x+3

choose below

a. (-&#8734;, &#8722;7/5]
b. (&#8722;&#8734;, &#8734;)
c. (&#8722;&#8734;, &#8722;7/5] &#965; (&#8722;1/4, &#8734;)
d. (&#8722;1/4, &#8734;)

22. find the domain of the funtction

p(x)= x^2 -2x+8

domain of P?

a. {xlx is a real number}
b. {xlx>0}
c. {xlx does not equal 0}
d. {xlx does not equal 8}

23. Media Services charges $40 for a phone and $20/month for its economy plan. The equation c=20t+40 describes the total cost, c, of operating of Media Services phone for t months.

The total cost for 7 months of service is?

If a customer has only $90 available, how many months of service can she receive?

a. 3 b. 2 1/3 c. 2 _ d. 2

choose the correct graph of the equation


24. solve using the multiplication principle.
Solution set is {xlx ? ?}

-4x> 1/11

25. the function H described by H(x)=2.75x+71.48 can be used to predict the height, in centimeters, of a woman whose humerus is x cm ling.

Predict the height of a woman whose humerus is 38 cm long....

26. determine whether (-1, 6) is a solution of 7x-5y=0
27. find the coordintates of the point shown on the graph

28. the equation y= -1777x+27,153 can be used to predict the number of y of gun deaths in the US x years after 2000, that is x=0 corresponds to 2000, x=3 corressponds to 2003, x=6 corresponds to 2006, and so on. Predict the number of gun deaths in 2006 and 2007. In what year will the number of gun deaths be 12,937

the predicted gun deaths in 2006 will be ?
the predicted gun deaths in 2007 will be ?
the predicted number of gun deaths will be 12,937 in the year?

29. find the slop, If it exists, of the line containing the pair of points (4,7) and (10, -1)

30. solve for the indicated letter.

a=5b, for b
the solution is b=?

31. translate to an algebraic expression. The product of 43% and some number

the translation is ?

32. amy paid 66.87 for a pair of running shoes during a 40% off sale. What was the regular price?

33. solve -11 &#8804; 4x-4 &#8804; -3

the solution is {xl ? &#8804; x &#8804; ?

34. graph the equation y=6
35. use < or ? to make the statement true

4 ? 5

36. find the indicated outputs for f(x)=3x^2-5x

f( -1)

37. solve 0.6x+2&#8804;1.0x-7

{xlx ? ?}

38. find the domain of the function


a. {xlx does not equal 0)
b. {xlx does not equal 9/7)
c. (xlx does not equal 8}
d. {xlx &#8805;9/7

39. decide whether the pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular or neither


40. multiply


41. soybean meal is 14% protein; cornmeal is 7% protein. How many pounds of each should be mixed toether in order to get 280 lb mixture that is 10 % protein.

How many pounds of the cornmeal should be in the mixture?

How many pounds of the soybean meal should be in the mixture?

42. solve

-0.3x < -18

solution is {xl?}

43. solve the following system of equations

x+5y=5 (1)
x=8-5y (2)

44. solve


45. graph the inequality on a plane


46. graph on a number line, where x is a real number.

-4< x &#8804; 3

if the point on the graph is a open circle or a filled in circle please indicate

47. find the slope and the y intercept. Show all work

f(x)= -8x -5

48. the width of a rectangle is fixed at 18cm. What lengths will make the perimeter greater than 90cm?

49. solve by the elimination method.


50. solve using the addition and multiplication principles

3+5x <28

solution se is {xlx ? ?}

51. on three consecutive passes, a football team gains 7 yards. Loses 14 yeards and gains 31 yards. What number represents the total net yardage?

The total net yardage is ? yards.

52. simplify

8[ -13-(-57-56)]=?

53. plot (0, -6) on the coordinates axes

54. use the distributive property to help you solve the equation



55. use the intercepts to graph the equation


56. graph the equation using the slope and the y-intercept


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Solution Summary

Variety of algebra problems are covered in this algebra in this solution. It includes graphs, plotting of points on a graph, graphing using slope intercept method, solution to equations, simplifying equations, word problems, inequality problems, graphing inequalities and more.

Solution Preview

Following is the text part of the solution. Please read the attached word documents (There are two files) for complete solution. Thank you for using Brainmass.
1. use the intercepts to graph the equation. Please use a graph like the attached


2. Determine the slope of the line shown below.m=?

m = dy/dx = 3/1 = 3

3. Solve then graph. 6x&#8805;30
x >_ 5

Choose the correct solution
a. {xlx &#8805;5}
b. {xlx >5}
c. {xlx <5}
d. {xlx &#8804;5}

4. is this graph below a function. Yes or no.

Yes. Since for every x coordinate, there is a unique y coordinate.

5. Trains A and B are traveling in the same directions on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 100 miles per hour and Train B is traveling ...

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