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Basic Ratio Equations for Job Direct or Indirect

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1) Is the ratio between number of workers and time required to complete a job direct or indirect?

2) The formula for profit (P) is cost (C) minus overheard (O). Write an equation for profit and then translate it to solve for cost

3) Solve for t
d=rt My solution was t=d/t. Is that correct

4) Solve for S

5) If 12.7 CM are exactly 5 inches, how many CM are in 2 Inches? (round to the nearest 1/100). My solution was 5.08. Is that correct

6) What is the depth (height) of water in a cylindrical tank with a 20 ft diameter if the water weighs 200,000 pounds? [V=pir^2h. 1 cubic ft of water weights 62.43 pounds]

7) What is the sale price for a jacket that originally sold for $185 and is marked 15% of? How much will I have to pay including a 5% sales tax?

8) A shop drawing has a scale of 1/4:1. The ratio 1/4:1 is the ration of the drawing to the part. How large would a line 2 inches long on the drawing actually be on the part?

9) Find the volume and the surface area of a rectangular solid that has a length of 5 ft, a width of 2 ft and height 1.5 ft. Please label the units in your answer.

10) The cost of a certain chemical varies directly as its weight. If 12 grams cost $65, find the cost of 12 grams?

11) Find the difference in savings between simple interest and compound interest if you invest $2500 at 3.5% for 12 years. Use the formula A=p*(1=r)^n for compound interest.

12) A company will pay you a salary of $250 per week plus a 15% commissions on times you sold. If you earn $375 one week, how much did you sell? write a formula then solve it

13) A company's sales for this year and last year together total $4,600,000. This year's sales are twice last year's sales. What were last year's sales? (Hint: Let x=last year's sales)? write a formula then solve it

14) The perimeter of a rectangular is equal to 26 meters. The length is 3 meters longer that the width. What are the dimensions of the rectangle? Write a formula then solve it.

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Solution Summary

Basic ratio equations for job directs or indirects are determined. The formula for profits for costs and overheads are determined.

Solution Preview

1) Is the ratio between number of workers and time required to complete a job direct or indirect?

It is a direct ratio; time required = C/ Number of workers where C is a constant

2) The formula for profit (P) is cost (C) minus overheard (O). Write an equation for profit and then translate it to solve for cost

P = C - O , therefore C = P+O

3) Solve for t
d=rt My solution was t=d/t. Is that correct ; No the solution is t = d/r

4) Solve for S


(C-S) = n*R

or S = C - n*R

5) If 12.7 CM are exactly 5 inches, how many CM are in 2 Inches? (round to the nearest 1/100). My solution was 5.08. Is that correct

12.7 CM = 5 inch

or 1 inch = 12.7/5 CM

therefore 2 inch = (12.7/5)*2 or 5.08 - Your answer is correct

6) What is the depth (height) of water in a cylindrical tank with a 20 ft ...

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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  • "Your explanation to the answers were very helpful."
  • "What does 1 and 0 means in the repair column?"
  • "Went through all of the formulas, excellent work! This really helped me!"
  • "try others as well please"
  • "Thank you, this helped a lot. I was not sure how to plug in those numbers to a formula. This was a great help. Now I have to figure out how to explain cost of capital is used in net present value analysis, and how cost of capital is used in net present value analysis. This stuff gets confusing."
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