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weekly training meeting

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You are preparing to give an oral presentation to your coworkers at the upcoming weekly training meeting.

Your training coordinator has requested that you speak about the flow of information into and out of your local police department case management system. Specifically, he would like you to breakdown the groups of people (e.g., first responders, investigators, senior management/supervisors, clerical staff, and computer/technical staff) who would likely have contact with the system on a regular basis and explain the nature of their interaction.

For inclusion in the group presentation, that cover one group of individuals who would likely be required to interact with a police case management system. Include information regarding the nature of the interaction between your chosen group of individuals and the case management system.

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One group of individuals that would be required to interact with a police case management system is the first responders.
The first responders access the local police department case management system to get access to models of buildings and sites potentially susceptible to criminal activities and other threatening situations. They also access the local police department case management system Global Positioning System and intertial guidance system for tracking and positioning information.
First responders are continuously on duty and may be called out at any time and must respond fast and well-prepared for every call. A strong local police ...

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