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Stakeholder Motivation Techniques

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This is based on your private business that you ran for 10 years.
Stakeholder Motivational Techniques

Identify at least 5 motivational techniques that might be useful for gaining acceptance by all constituents in this organization.

Develop a campaign to implement these identified motivational techniques.

Develop a milestone plan for implementing your motivational campaign.

Communications Plan

Identify which types of communication (such as regularly scheduled meetings, shared media such as SharePoint, email, social media, hardcopy reports, etc.) you will use to communicate project status. Be specific on timeframes, the types of information that will be shared, and the level of detail that will be shared with these tools.

Next, discuss which stakeholder groups will receive the specific types of communication you have identified. This can be done via a matrix or table by listing stakeholders in the left column, the types of communications along the top, and an "x" in the cells where a specific stakeholder group should receive a particular type communication.

Layout an authorization plan and who will need to sign-off on specific communications or movement to the next phase in a project.

Include samples of some of the reports or canned communications that would be sent.

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Solution Summary

The expert identifies at least five motivational techniques which might be useful for gaining acceptance by all constituents in the organization. The milestone plan for implementing your motivational campaign is determined.

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Identify at least 5 motivational techniques that might be useful for gaining acceptance by all constituents in this organization.

The Reward Inducement System, The Managerial Inducement System, The Task Inducement System, The Social Inducement System, and extrinsic motivation techniques are all techniques to elicit acceptance and motivate my employees.

Develop a campaign to implement these identified motivational techniques.

Type I Motivation, Type II Motivation, and Type III Motivation would be used to motivate my employees. The most optimal tasks for employees to engage in are green tasks wherein employees enjoy the new transition within the organization, and therefore, engage in the tasks regardless of success or failure, but their enthusiasm for these tasks will facilitate success more so than red tasks. Red tasks are those tasks that don't elicit any organizational enthusiasm amongst employees, and therefore, employees only do these for pay without much enthusiasm. Because this is a new transition into my company, I need employees to be highly enthusiastic about the tasks that will be done to ensure that our restructuring program is fluent and successful.

My employees must be committed through the use of green tasks that elicit physically and/or emotionally pleasurable or enjoyable responses from my employees. In other words, the individual is having fun purely from engaging in these behaviors. Tasks may be perceived as green to individuals because while they engaging in these tasks, their social identities are better realized and pronounced. The use of motivational tasks such as allowing the employees to play a role in the development and design of our new internet system as well as map the ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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