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Women's Prisons

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How would you describe prisons for women? How would you compare women's prisons to those for juveniles and men? What would happen if there were no distinction for prisons among the groups previously mentioned?

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In this solution we discuss the role of women's prisons in criminal justice systems, what values such institutions are predicated upon, and how they are similar to juvenile detainment centers. Additionally, this solution provides one reference source for further research on the given topic.

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Women's prisons around the world can be described as a place where feminist ideals of women empowerment compete with the ideology of law and order. In some countries, women's prisons are as notorious as those for the men while other countries have special community prisons that allow women to foster a sense of belonging and community while incarcerated. In either women's system whether those who espouse the punitive philosophy or those that focus on rehabilitation, the prison will have stark contrasts to male prisons. Women prisons ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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