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Sexual Crimes against Children

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Select, explain, then compare and contrast three theories of explanations of why certain adult males prefer children for sexual gratification. Also, use three references to support your argument.

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This solution discusses and compares three theories that explain why some male adults prefer children for sexual gratification. Research validated with references provided.

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1. Select, explain, then compare and contrast three theories of explanations of why certain adult males prefer children for sexual gratification. Also, use three references to support your argument.

There have been a number of explanations or theories to explain why certain adult males prefer children for sexual gratification.

When adult males prefer children for secual gratification, there are often referred to pedophiles and the act is pedophilia.

Biological researchers attribute pedophilia to biology. They argue that testosterone, one of the male sex hormones, predisposes men to develop deviant sexual behaviors, including preferring children. However, there has been no clear evidence to date, and as of 2002, no researchers have claimed to have discovered or mapped a gene for pedophilia. (http://www.minddisorders.com/Ob-Ps/Pedophilia.html) Other factors, such as abnormalities in of the ...

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