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Personal Code of Ethics

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Create a personal code of ethics using one of the major ethical frameworks as a guide. Compare your personal code of ethics with those of the career of a Probation Officer.
-To what ethical standards would you hold yourself if you worked in that field?
-How does your code of ethics compare to the professional code of ethics? Discuss the differences between your code and the professional code.
-How does your personal code compare to the unwritten code associated with this career? Discuss the differences.
-What ethical dilemmas does your personal code of ethics help you resolve?
-Characterize the ethical framework used to construct your personal code of ethics.
-Does your personal code of ethics seem to match the ethical standards required for the career you are interested in? Why or why not?

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There is a need for a personal code of ethics for a probation officer. This solution uses the utilitarian approach to developing a personal code of conduct for the probation officer.

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Create a personal code of ethics using one of the major ethical frameworks as a guide. Compare your personal code of ethics with those of the career of a Probation Officer.
-To what ethical standards would you hold yourself if you worked in that field?
-How does your code of ethics compare to the professional code of ethics? Discuss the differences between your code and the professional code.
-How does your personal code compare to the unwritten code associated with this career? Discuss the differences.
-What ethical dilemmas does your personal code of ethics help you resolve?
-Characterize the ethical framework used to construct your personal code of ethics.
-Does your personal code of ethics seem to match the ethical standards required for the career you are interested in? Why or why not?
Personal Code of Ethics:
1. I consider the moral worth of my actions with its contribution to overall utility.
2. I consider the consequences of my actions.
3. I always weigh the outcome of my actions before I take any action.
4. The greatest good for the greatest number is my personal motto.
5. I try to bring the most happiness to people.
6. I also think intuitively when contemplating a moral issue and try to assess if my action will maximize happiness.
7. I also endeavor to promote the least amount of evil or harm.

The probation officer is required to follow a certain code of ethics:

1. The probation officer will observe confidentiality of information disclosed to them on duty;
2. The probation officer will not compromise their integrity of the profession or that of the department.
3. The probation officer will not accept gifts or gratuity that can be believed to influencing their official actions.
4. The probation officer ...

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