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Organizational Structure, Missions and Values

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Go to the Library to conduct your research on three large (law enforcement) agencies. Describe the missions of the three agencies, its organizational structure, and the major areas of its services. Compare what you have designed for a mission statement for your agency in your discussion board against the actual mission statements of working law enforcement agencies.

1. How does your mission statement compare with the three agency statements?
2. Was there something that you could have added to your statement? To their statement?
3. The allocation of personnel may fit the area for the law enforcement agencies within their jurisdictions.
4. Do you think that they can improve on this allocation? How?
5. Do you believe that the allocation of their personnel is adequate? Why?

Assume that your law enforcement agency is having problems and needs to redefine its structure. They have hired you to look at the department from the "ground up" and have asked for your suggestions. Based on your readings this week, show me what you would suggest for the following:

What would be the main focus of YOUR law enforcement agency. (the mission statement)
How would you allocate personnel to fulfill the duties of the department?
Explain how the allocation of personnel to the various units would have an effect on the performance of other units.
Make sure that you state if this is a large city department or a small rural department. The organization of these two departments may vary greatly.

Thank you!

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Solution Summary

This solution describes the missions, structure and service areas of the three example law enforcement agencies. In comparison to these examples, it then compares the main focus of another law enforcement agency (chosen by the student), the allocation of personnel to fulfill the duties of the department and units, and the related effect on the performance of other units.

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Please see response attached, which is also presented below. I hope this helps and take care.

I. Go to the Library to conduct your research on three large (law enforcement) agencies. Describe the missions of the three agencies, its organizational structure, and the major areas of its services. Compare what you have designed for a mission statement for your agency in your discussion board against the actual mission statements of working law enforcement agencies.

This is straightforward. You are being asked to research three large law enforcement agencies. Let's look at three Federal law enforcement agencies, which are large, and you can then compare to the law enforcement agency that you have already designed a mission statement for in your previous assignment:

Briefly, Federal police fall into two broad categories:
· Investigative agencies (such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and,
· Uniformed security police agencies (such as the Federal Protective Service, United States Mint Police, United States Park Police and United States Border Patrol).

Let's look closer at the following three law enforcement agencies:
A. Federal Bureau of Investigation (http://www.fbi.gov/priorities/priorities.htm)
B. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (http://www.atf.gov/), and
C. United States Park Police (http://www.nps.gov/uspp/index.htm).

A. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mission: The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.[1] Title 28 of the United States Code (U.S. Code), Section 533, authorizes the Attorney General to "appoint officials to detect ... crimes against the United States."[2] Other federal statutes give the FBI the authority and responsibility to investigate specific crimes.

Other Information:

Information obtained through an FBI investigation is presented to the appropriate US Attorney or Department of Justice (DOJ) official, who decides if prosecution or other action is warranted. Currently, the FBI top investigative priorities have been assigned to these areas:[3]
1. Protect the United States from terrorist attack (see Terrorism);
2. Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage (see Counter-espionage);
3. Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes (see Cyber-warfare);
4. Combat public corruption at all levels;
5. Protect civil rights;
6. Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises (see Organized crime);
7. Combat major white-collar crime;
8. Combat significant violent crime;
9. Support federal, state, local and international partners; and
10. Upgrade technology for successful performance of the FBI's mission.

As of June 2006, the FBI's top priority is counter-terrorism. The second priority is counter-intelligence. The USA PATRIOT Act increased the powers allotted to the FBI, especially in wiretapping and monitoring of Internet activity. One of the most controversial provisions of the act is the so-called sneak and peek provision, granting the FBI powers to search a house while the residents are away, and not requiring them to notify the residents for several weeks afterwards. Under the PATRIOT Act's provisions the FBI also resumed inquiring into the library records[4] of those who are suspected of terrorism (something it had supposedly not done since the 1970s). The third and fourth priorities are cyber crimes and public corruption. The cyber crimes category includes distribution of computer viruses and other malicious code. It also includes online distribution of child pornography among other crimes.

The FBI continues its historic mission of fighting organized crime. The FBI targets the organization behind the crime rather than individual criminals committing individual crimes. The FBI's chief tool against organized crime is the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The FBI is also charged with the responsibility of enforcing compliance of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 and investigating violations of the act in addition to prosecuting such violations with the United States Department of ...

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