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John L. O'Sullivan and American slavery

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1.How does O'Sullivan address the question of slavery in Texas? What does he predict will ultimately bring about the end of slavery? What are his opinions on race?

2.Does O'Sullivan believe Texas will be the last territory the U.S. will annex? Where else might the nation expand?

3.In what other situations in U.S. history was the idea of Manifest Destiny employed?

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This solution examines how John L. O'Sullivan addresses the question of slavery in Texas in his 1845 written work, "Annexation.

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Because OTAS cannot complete whole assignments for students, I will help and guide you in answering the below questions.

1. How does O'Sullivan address the question of slavery in Texas? What does he predict will ultimately bring about the end of slavery? What are his opinions on race?

O'Sullivan addresses the question of slavery in Texas multiple times in his 1845 written work, "Annexation." For example, he writes that it is false to believe that that the the annexation of Texas is will be a pro-slavery measure and action to increase and perpetuate the institution of slavery.

Below is the paragraph in which O'Sullivan predict will ultimately bring about the end of slavery:

"On the other hand, it is undeniably much gained for the cause of the eventual voluntary abolition of slavery, that it should have been thus drained off towards the only outlet which appeared to furnish much probability of it the ultimate disappearance of ...

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