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In 200 words, compare the attitudes and practices regarding slavery, race relations, and responses to abolition in the North and the South

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How slavery and abolition differed in the north and south

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the cause of the Civil War was slavery: the North fighting to end it and the South fighting to preserve it. The belief that is so prevalent in our society is that the North embarked on a moral campaign to free the slaves in the South. The South on the other hand relied on slaves for economic prosperity and were not about to give up slavery as a way of life.

Throughout the 1850's the North and South grew farther apart on one main issue, slavery. Then in October 1859, John Brown's raid left the South "feeling isolated, besieged, dishonored, and physically imperiled as never before". Many in the South believed that the North would resort to force, just like Brown, in order to stop slavery. Mr. Sewell goes on to say that the "chief effect of John Brown's foray was, of course, to strengthen the hand of the fiery advocates of secession". When Abraham Lincoln, a Republican dedicated to the idea that slavery was evil and should be dealt with as such, was elected President, the deep South felt there was no way out but separation. The South saw Lincoln's election and the appointments he would make to positions in the South as being able to foster an antislavery influence dangerous not only to their peculiar institution but to the very lives of Southern whites. With this in mind, seven states in the deep South seceded from the Union. The upper South chose to take a wait and see attitude, but when President Lincoln tried to reprovision Fort Sumter, it was fired upon from Charleston harbor. This act provoked President Lincoln to ask for 75,000 volunteers and four more states joined the Confederacy: the bloodiest war in American history ...

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