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Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front

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Hi, I need some assistance citing specific evidence from Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front and discussing how exactly World War I affected Paul and his friends?

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This discussion focuses on Remarque's book "All Quiet on the Western Front". Specifically, how did the war impact Paul and his friends? Over 500 words of original text linked to specific page numbers in the book.

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The War affects Paul and his friends in many ways. Their perspective on life, in the present, becomes very immediate. The needs, feelings and desires of the present overshadow everything else because one is never sure of living until tomorrow. Their perspective on life in general is also affected by their war time experiences.

Because of the uncertainty of living even another hour or two, immediate desires, feelings and needs take on an importance that they did not enjoy in normal life. When the friends are relieved from their front line duty for example they had gone two weeks without adequate sleep or food. Their first morning in camp, they sleep until after noon. When they line up at the kitchen ...

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