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Nursing Interventions

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A 55-year-old woman is seen by her physician and is told that she is currently going through menopause when he identifies that she has an elevation of FSH on her laboratory results. The patient has many questions and concerns, and the physician asks the nurse to provide education for the patient.

1. The patient first asks the nurse why the elevation of FSH is important. In answering the question for the patient, use the concept of negative feedback.

2. The patient states she has had hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and increased emotional lability. Describe why the patient would have these clinical manifestations during menopause.

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The expert examines education for patients. The clinical manifestations during menopause are determined.

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1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. FSH works with other hormones, such as luteneizing hormone, to regulate development, puberty and reproductive processes in the body. In females, an increase in FSH causes ovulation. Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GRH) informs the anterior pituitary to secrete FSH. FSH travels through the blood stream to the ovaries, where it causes one ovum/egg/follicle to mature. When the follicle reaches 8-10 mm in diameter, it starts to produce large amounts of estradiol (an ...

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