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Leadership Style

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"The conductor, a magical figure for the audience, enjoys a leadership mystique of significant magnitude...But vanity and tyranny are prevalent in the music world even in these enlightened times, and the picture of orchestral musicians as infantile and submissive, caught between willful conductors, insensitive management, and hypervigilant unions is not as rare as one would hope...Traditionally, all verbal communication in aven when it is really a statement of fact or belief."


1. As you read the following passage, think about leadership in general.
2. What style of leadership seems to be prevalent in orchestras?
3. Now substitute "physicians and nurses" for "conductor and orchestra."
4. Remember when nurses talked to physicians this way? Do we still?

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1. As you read the following passage, think about leadership in general. What style of leadership seems to be prevalent in orchestras?

The leadership style seems to an authoritarian style of leadership.

2. Now substitute "physicians and nurses" for "conductor and orchestra." Remember when nurses talked to physicians this way? Do we still?

Historically, the nurse-doctor relationship has been fraught with conflict; however, the challenge is to dismantle this imbalanced relationship and fashion new interdisciplinary collaboration. Favorable outcomes to collaborative practice outweigh the barriers. No doubt there is synergism when a new partnership is created which is the hallmark of a true interprofessional relationship. This affiliation must be nurtured and reinforced, for it holds great promise for enhancement of patient care and for providing job satisfaction in an increasingly complex and constraining world of health care (Markaram, 1995, from abstract at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?itool=abstractplus&db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=abstractplus&list_uids=8992267).

Indeed, the 'doctor-nurse game' seems to have changed somewhat over time. For example, in a study titled: The nurse-doctor relationship: a selective literature review, Sweet and Norman (1995) investigated the nurse-doctor relationship. The disciplines of nursing and medicine are expected to work in unusually close proximity to one another, not just practicing side by side but ...

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