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Medical Records & Privacy

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The office manager of the physician practice office where you work has assembled a team to assess the pros and cons of moving from paper-based medical records to computer-based medical records. The office is considered a covered entity under HIPAA regulations. You are a member of that team. After much analysis, the practice has decided to incorporate computer-based medical records.

You have been asked to write a brief patient education brochure explaining the benefits of using computer medical records and assuring patients that their medical record will still be private and secure.

- Determine what information should be included in the patient education brochure.
- Draft an outline format using bullet points for major topics, subtopics, and brief descriptions of needed information.
- Incorporate some information from HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules to reassure the patients that the privacy of their information will remain secure.

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Solution Summary

This solution provides information and assistance in writing a brief patient education brochure explaining the benefits of using computer medical records and assuring patients that their medical record will still be private and secure in approximately 1000 words.

Solution Preview

1. Determine what information should be included in the patient education brochure.

You might begin by introducing the patient to the topic of computer medical record by providing a brief description of computer medical records. And as stated above, you will also include:

a. Benefits of using computer medical records
b. Assure patients that their medical record will still be private and secure (e.g., providing strategies)
c. Include information about HIPAA Privacy Rule

2. Draft an outline format using bullet points for major topics, subtopics, and brief descriptions of needed information. Incorporate some information from HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules to reassure the patients that the privacy of their information will remain secure.


1. What are Computer Medical Records?

Electronic medical record (EMR) is a medical record in digital format. Recording medial records on a computer has many advantages. For example, it provides safe, comprehensive, and cost-effective patient care, which depends on the provider's ability to obtain an accurate record of the patient's previous health care, including treatments and testing.

2. Advantages

0 Safe, comprehensive and cost-effective
0 Easy and rapid access to information in emergencies
o Prevents tests from being repeated or previous results ignored, allergies being not known, and information about drug regimens being mis-communicated.
o Imperative when a patient seeks emergency care.
o Patients are usually cared for at one institution, but go to the emergency department of another institution.
o Rapid access to medical records avoids missing information that may result in less than optimal care.
o Prevents inappropriate care due to delay or lack of access to information e.g. ...

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