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"Why I Live at the P.O." and "The Worn Path" notes

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"Why I Live at the P.O." and "The Worn Path" - How are the two stories the same? How are the two stories different?

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Two powerful stories by Eudora Welty are briefly contrasted using quotes to validate.

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As you compare these two powerful stories by Eudora Welty, you might note that "A Worn Path" deals with Phoenix's struggles as an elderly woman. I think that symbolism is embedded since her "Worn Path" is not just the route she takes to get her grandson's medicine, but it is symbolic of her life as a "Worn Path" in its struggles. Please add a quote to amplify.

As you look at both styles, the style with its strong use of interior dialogue reveals Phoenix's ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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