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Simplifying phrases

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1. Correct inflated diction by typing your correction next to each of the words or phrases listed below.

a. As per your request --

b. Having received your letter, we --

c. Enclosed please find my resume. --

d. I regret to advise you that I must delay payment. --

e. It is imperative that you write at once --

f. I am cognizant of the fact that my payment is overdue. --

g. At the earliest possible date --

h. I beg to differ with your estimate --

i. Please be advised that my new address is... --

j. This writer --

k. At the present time --

l. I humbly request that you consider my application --

m. In the immediate future. --

n. We are in hopes that you will succeed. --

o. Due to the fact that --

p. I wish to express my gratitude --

q. At this point in time --

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Solution Summary

Short answers to simplify inflated phrases. Web references provided.

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a. As per your request -- As asked or as requested

b. Having received your letter, we -- Your letter received, we

c. Enclosed please find my resume. -- Here is my resume

d. I regret to advise you that I must delay payment. -- My payment is late

e. It is ...

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