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The Waldorf Education Program

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Could you please help me understand more about the Waldorf education program.

How does the Waldorf education program best serve the interests of children and their families? Describe the features of the program that you would likely incorporate in your own classroom.

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This solution highlights the advantages of the Waldorf education program and provides some recommendation on how to incorporate elements of this program into an existing lesson plan and encourage a greater degree of engagement from the students.

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The belief behind Waldorf is that students should not just read about subjects, but rather they should be afforded to opportunity experience them. This develops a lifelong love of learning as well as develops intellectual skills, emotional balance, and spiritual capacities in order to head down the right path in life.

The Waldorf education system was developed in 1919 by Rudolf Steiner and "...is based on a profound understanding of human development that addresses the needs of the growing child" (Why Waldorf Works). Stemming from this ...

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