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Ms. Jung's Class

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Read the case study of Ms. Jung's class, Level C, Case 1 in "Norms & Expectations." http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ICS-003.pdf Then, complete the assignment found on page 11, at the bottom of Level C, Case 1. To complete this assignment, you will need to review the Case Study Set Introduction on page 2 and the STAR sheets on the four strategies on pages 12 through 14.

Include a statement describing how each of the four strategies will be implemented as Ms. Jung works with her newly structured class.
- Stating expectations clearly
- Implementing classroom rules and procedures
- Supporting expectations consistently
- Reevaluating established norms
- Select a classroom norm that would allow successful student movement to outside instruction as needed and maximize time for learning.
- This norm may be stated as a rule.
- Explain why you believe the norm will be effective.
- Write two expectations Ms. Jung should state clearly to the entire class to help establish this norm.
- State a specific procedure concerning movement she must teach Lew (refer back to the classroom schedule).
- State a specific procedure concerning movement she must teach Myra (refer back to the classroom schedule).

You must support your thoughts with evidence from the IRIS model and at least one scholarly resource in addition to the text.

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A statement describing how each of the four strategies will be implemented as Ms. Jung works. The expert reevaluates established norms.

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Write a statement describing how each strategy will be implemented as Ms. Jung works with her newly structured class.

The classroom will support and engage in a positive learning environment which implement all classroom rules and procedures; every student will support each other consistently when needed and re-evaluate based on the educational need for a positive learning environment for all participants. This strategy will be implementing across all situations and students will understand what is meant. Teacher and student will agree, both will sign a contract as confirmation. The rules will be monitored and encouraged with positive reinforcement.

1) Select a classroom norm that would allow successful student movement to outside instruction as needed and maximize time for learning. (This norm may be stated as a rule.) Then:
To avoid chaos and wasted time, the transition is planed along with other components. The process will include collaboration with the other teachers and professionals involved in the transition and following direction. I would add that ...

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