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Employee Injury Costs

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An employee is entering a work area and slips on a wet floor. After going to the emergency room, it has been determined that the employee has a sprained left wrist.

1. What are some of the direct costs of this incident? Estimate the value of these costs.
2. What are some of the indirect costs? Estimate the value of these costs.
3. What is the estimated total cost of this incident? What does this number mean?
4. Search the internet for references to calculating direct and indirect accident costs. Post the links as a reply to the article in Link Sharing.

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Solution Summary

Employee injury costs are examined. The direct costs of the incidents are provided. The expert estimates the value of these costs.

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1. What are some of the direct costs of this incident? Estimate the value of these costs.

The direct costs of this injury are a potential worker's compensation decree, medical fees for the band ills accrued by the worker, and a potential lawsuit that could be filed by the injured worker. The value of these costs will be pertinent upon the cost of care. If the worker only pursues medical fees, the costs could be $2000 but if the worker pursues worker's compensation and is ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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