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Computer Lab Rules and Procedures

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I need help in creating specific rules and procedures for each of the following areas for students in a computer lab:

o Student computer use

o Student computer sharing (rotation)

o Student computer teaming and team roles

o Internet use guidelines

o Internet downloads (plug-ins, add-ons)

o Student help

o Troubleshooting

o Close of class

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This solution describes in detail ideas for rules and procedures when working with students in the computer lab.

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Computer Lab: Student Rules and Procedures

When doing anything with your students, a teacher must put in place specific guidelines and rules to make sure the following activity will go as expected and with the highest positive outcome for the students' learning.
In a computer lab, this should not be any different and, in fact, is even more important because you are dealing with high price, important materials that must be taken care of for the students to use properly.

1. Student Computer Use
Students must use their own individual computer and their computer alone.
They are not to use the computer of their partners, unless directed by the teacher.

The teacher should model what she/he expects of the students before the students perform the task.
The best way to do this is to have all monitors off at the beginning of class and the teacher demonstrate on an overhead at the front of the room, then students may continue independently.

There must also be a behavior plan for the computer lab. For example, if a student is seen surfing the internet or going to alternative programs, they may lose free time later in the day or lose a point off their corresponding computer quiz/activity for the day. This, of course, will change based on the particular classroom and behavior plans.

For younger students, screens can be enlarged and toolbars taken off to limit the temptation of pressing things they do not need, but the list seems to imply much older students.

Rules: Eyes on your own computer.


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