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College for Everyone

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Take a look at the following interesting article:
Faculty Burnout Has Both External and Internal Sources, Scholar Says

An interesting part to this article is the end where faculty post their comments. Thoughts?

Do you believe all people in this country should go to college?
Do you believe all people in this country want to go to college?
As we live in a free society, do you believe all people should have education forced on them?

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Solution Summary

The Solution provides a short analysis of the comments from the Faculty Burnout article, as well as some thoughts on the concept of college for everyone.

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An interesting part to this article is the end where faculty post their comments. Thoughts?

I read though the article from Crosmer and thought it was very true and very interesting. There is huge demand placed on professors and teachers with increasing class sizes and an overload of service demands. No wonder they suffer from burnout so quickly. The interesting part was the comments at the end. I read through them as well and did not find one who disagreed with Crosmer. In fact, they could not agree more especially when came to administration demands being placed on them in addition to their academic planning and teaching. I have to ...

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