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Becoming a Peer-Mentor

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Answer each of the three questions:

1) Why should a student in their third year in college with a high GPA want to become a peer-mentor to a new student who will be entering their freshmen year at the university that they attend?

2) What skills does a student in their third year in college have that they believe will help them as a peer-mentor?

3) What should a student who wants to become a peer-mentor hope to gain from their experience as a peer-mentor?

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Becoming a Peer-Mentor

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Hello and welcome to BrainMass today!

1) Why should a student in their third year in college with a high GPA want to become a peer-mentor to a new student who will be entering their freshmen year at the university that they attend?

This is a very good question! Becoming a peer mentor is a way for you to pass on your knowledge and experience to your fellow students who are in need of your assistance. It is a noble position as well because you have the ...

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