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organizational and individual purposes of the formal and informal groups

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1. What are some of the organizational and individual purposes of the formal and informal groups you belong to at work? Does high cohesiveness in a group lead to higher group productivity? Explain.

2. What is the difference between a functional and a dysfunctional conflict? What determines functionality? What techniques or procedures would you use to help reduce conflict in cross-functional teams?

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This job offers organizational and individual purposes of one's formal and informal groups.

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1. In terms of organizational purposes and informal vs. formal groups: There are many workplaces that assign co-workers to teams where they work together on particular aspects of the business or projects. This means that they are formally assigned to one another to complete tasks. This can be productive, if they all work together well. This is not always the case, especially when they are assigned to one another without any input. However, sometimes they can figure out one another's quirks and work practices to get along well. It may be that one person is extremely creative and big picture ideas, while another is good at details. This is ...

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