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Education - Test Anxiety

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Should we take learning preferences and comfort-level into consideration when grading these types of assessments? Does the subject matter make a difference?

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This solution helps explain test anxiety and describes ways that instructors can assist students with their anxiety. It discusses the concepts of learning preferences, comfort-level, types of assessments and subject matter. The explanation is given in 353 words with one reference.

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Questions: Should we take learning preferences and comfort-level into consideration when grading these types of assessments? Does the subject matter make a difference?

All students have some level of test anxiety. It can be from just wanting the whole exercise to be over to severe dread. A review of the literature shows that at least 10% to 40% of students have a serious test fear at some time as a student. Psychologists suggest that teachers use their resources to make students feel as comfortable as possible in a ...

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