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Analysis of RCRA

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Select one environmental law and assist me with the following:

**Give a description of your law. Including date the law was passed and any background information that you can find on why this law was passed (what spurred the law).
**Do you feel that this particular environmental law outweighs the costs?
**Has this environmental law improved the environment/situation?

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Benefits and costs of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

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The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed in 1976. It gave the Environmental Protection Agency power to regulate all aspects of hazardous waste including their generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal. The law was deemed necessary because landfills were leaching hazardous wastes into the environment. RCRA requires the treatment of hazardous waste before disposal in landfills. Wastes are considered hazardous if they are toxic or create a risk of fire, or if the EPA explicitly lists them as hazardous waste.

In 1982 RCRA was amended as many felt the EPA was being slow about implementing the program. The resulting regulations are considered extremely cumbersome and a major ...

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