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Environmental studies

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Review the occurrences at Easter Island and use this situation as a case study of poor stewardship that resulted in lack of sustainability.
Define stewardship and define sustainability. Then, select either the Amazon Rainforest (deforestation is the issue) or Bridger Teton National Forest located in Western Wyoming (possible oil drilling).

Discuss stewardship and sustainable resource use. Describe the issues or potential problems. What are the environmental implications of deforestation of the Amazon? What are the ramifications of drilling for oil in Bridger Teton National Forest if this is your topic selection?

Can either area be conserved through wise use or should segments be preserved without any use?

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Solution Summary

Review of Easter Island addressing deforestation, as a case study of poor stewardship resulting in lack of sustainability.
Determined whether or not the area be conserved through wise use or should segments be preserved without any use.

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Ecosystems and How They Work:

Review the occurrences at Easter Island and use this situation as a case study of poor stewardship that resulted in lack of sustainability:

Easter Island is a small island in the Pacific Ocean west of South America. According to David Abram, the population was at most 7000 people. The island is small enough that plenty of water surrounded the community. A high intelligence level was accomplished based on the carvings and writing found by later explorers.

Abusive use of resources is one theory of its doom. When resources were low from the existing animals, there was no way to get more to the island. As the local fishing spots were emptied, the fishing boats had to go farther into the ocean to get fish. The population increase did not support their food supply, cannibalism began until only ...

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