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group communication

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Hello! I need help with these two questions:

1) You are asked to work in a group. What aspects of group communication will you keep in mind and what steps will you take to interact effectively in the group?

2) The company you are working in has assigned you the task of leading a group. Your group has to solve a problem. As the leader of the group, what are your task and maintenance responsibilities? If you have in mind any additional activities that you can do to improve the working of your group, please list them.

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1) You are asked to work in a group. What aspects of group communication will you keep in mind and what steps will you take to interact effectively in the group?

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1) You are asked to work in a group. What aspects of group communication will you keep in mind and what steps will you take to interact effectively in the group?

One of the most important aspects of group communication that I need to keep in mind is clarity of information communication to group members. I need to ensure that each group member clearly understands all information communicated to them and are able to clarify all doubts and concerns ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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