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Visual Basic (VB) My Cart Shopping Program

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I need to find a way to code this problem.

Every time I click the "add to my cart" button, I need to add "1" to the Quantity ordered box. If I click it 5 times, there should be 5 in the Quantity Ordered. Also, the total cost needs to be 65.00 * the Quantity ordered and displayed in the Total Cost label. Can you help???

I have submitted a sample form.

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Solution Summary

I have added the necessary code (in a compressed .rar file) to solve your problem.
Please note that, the final output is VB.NET compliant. So, try to use the logic of the code(semantics) if you can't get to work with some earlier version of VB.

I have also added necessary comments. Hope it helps.

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I have added the necessary code (in a compressed .rar file) to solve your problem.
Please note that, the final output is VB.NET compliant. So, try to use the logic of the code(semantics) if you can't get to work with some earlier version of ...

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