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VB.NET Matrix Addition (3x3)

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Create an application that would perform matrix addition. Each matrix must be three rows by three columns. The following is an example:

Store each matrix in an array.
1. The form must allow the user to input each element for both matrices.
2. The input must be done through text boxes, and the number of characters must be limited to two characters per text box.

3. By default, Matrix 1 would have the following value:
5, 2, 3
8, 32, 1
4, 9, 10

By default, Matrix 2 would have the following value:

2, 1, 3
9, 3, 2
6, 7, 20

The application must display the results in a message box. Make the Calculate button the Accept button. Create a Clear button that will clear the result text box and reset all text boxes, controls, and internal variables used. Create an Exit button. Use labels to identify the input and output controls.

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Solution Summary

Solution contains a VB.NET Matrix 3x3 addition project. The project is compiled and tested. The UI interface is simple and displays two matrices and a resulting matrix, calculate, clear, exit buttons.

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Please find attached the Matrix 3x3 addition project. The VB.NET project is compiled and tested ...

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