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Third-party Control Available for Visual Basic.NET

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1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working with multiple tables? Present an example of a situation where multiple tables would be appropriate in an application and discuss why this approach is needed in this scenario.

2. Select a third-party control available for Visual Basic.NET. Discuss how this control is used in an application. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using third-party controls in applications?

3. ClickOnce is a new deployment technology for the .NET 2005 development platform. Precisely what is ClickOnce? What obstacle does it overcome and how? Provide an example of how you might use this technology.

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The advantages and disadvantages of working with multiple tables are articulated.

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.Mulitiple tables provides realation so that present data.
When you have customer and order details. You want show each customer's orders details is having mulitple tables ( customer,order-detaials).

1. One advantage of using multiple tables is that you can add tables containing new information without modifying the structure of your existing tables. For example, to add payroll information, you add a new table to the database where the first column contains the employee's ID and the columns contain current salary, previous salary, bonus payment, and 401(k) percent.
2. Also, an access to a small table is more ...

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