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IT Administrators of Small Companies

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A) IT administrators in small companies must often execute several functions at the same time like network administrator, database administrator, user consultant and others. Compared to their situation, their colleagues in larger companies can get more specialized. What are advantages and disadvantages?

b1) Think about yourselves: Which functions or positions in your company would you never take and why?

b2)Have you been in a situation that you had to execute a function against your will? What are your feelings now - positive or negative?

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This solution examines a number of questions regarding the job functions of an IT administrator and the kind of problems faced by them. It also examines the differences in the work environment for IT administrators in small and large companies.

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a) IT administrators in small companies must often execute several functions at the same time like network administrator, database administrator, user consultant and others. Compared to their situation, their colleagues in larger companies can get more specialized. What are advantages and disadvantages?

IT administrators in larger companies often have their job roles defined properly, taking into account the availability of a number of persons for executing different jobs. Also the scope of work is a lot larger; hence IT administrators in large companies have clear cut job roles. However in case of smaller companies, IT administrators have to often double up their jobs and act in many roles at the same time including assuming simultaneously the roles of Network Administrator, consultant etc. However there are advantages and disadvantages to such a job profile.
Advantages for IT Administrators in Small Companies
a) By assuming multiple roles in the organization, the IT administrators are well equipped to handle different situations. This makes them versatile and also gives them vital hands on experience in dealing with different situations in ...

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