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Time Conversion Program in C

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1- inputs a time duration in hours, minutes, and seconds;
2-calculates the equivalent total number of seconds;
3-recalculates the hours, minutes, and seconds from the total;
4-displays the values of the hours, minutes, seconds, and total seconds.

Specific Requirements

1-The program must be otherwise formatted and documented
2-The program should contain a single method, main
3-The program should declare 4 variables, hours, minutes, seconds, and totalSeconds, all of type int. You may declare at most 1 additional variable for temporary usage. No other variable are allowed.
4- The program should declare and use exactly 2 constants, MIN_PER_HR and SEC_PER_MIN (minutes per hour and seconds per minute)
5-The input statement(s) must be preceded by a suitable prompt(s).
6-The output produced by your program should be a single line

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Solution Summary

Helps you understand how to write a C program to do the following:
1- Input a time duration in hours, minutes, and seconds;
2- Calculate the equivalent total number of seconds;
3- Re-calculate the hours, minutes, and seconds from the total;
4- Display the values of the hours, minutes, seconds, and total seconds.

Solution Preview

I have coded the required program along with remarks on different parts of the program.
Hope it helps you ...

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