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Differences between C and C++ languages and Problem Solving

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What are the major differences between C and C++ languages? What do you need to learn in a programming language, such as C, in order to use it effectively in problem solving?

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the major differences between C and C++ programming languages. Additionally, the solution outlines some of the major aspects of a programming language, such as C, that can be used for problem solving.

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Q1. What are the major differences between C and C++ languages?

Ans: Although C and C++ share the basic syntax and keywords, there are many differences that set them apart.
One of the fundamental difference between C and C++ is that C++ supports object oriented programming, in addition to the procedural model used in C. Some of the key differences or improvements are listed below.

1. Classes vs Structures: Classes are a compact form of code ...

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