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Using Water and Calcium Phosphide to produce phosphine

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I have a selection of apparatus and materials that I could use to prepare a gas jar of dry phosphine. I have the following pieces of apparatus to use:-
Wash bottle
Polythene connectors
Dropping funnel with rubber stopper
Bent glass tube
Filter funnel with paper
Porcelain boat
Gas jar
Round bottomed flask with side arm

The materials/substances that I have available are as follows :-

Concentrated hydrochloric acid
Calcium chloride granules
Calcium phosphide
Calcium Carbonate

Now, I do not think I will be needing the porcelain boat, filter funnel with paper, hydrochloric acid and salt. I think that I will require all of the rest of the above mentioned apparatus. I have a very good idea of how these will go together to enable me to collect the dry phosphine gas at the end, but I need to be sure on this.

I also think that I will need to add the calcium chloride granules into the u tube to dry the gas and that I will need to upturn the gas bottle at the end to catch the gas.

Please can you help. I have a picture of all of the apparatus in front of me, but hopefully you will be aware of what I am using by my descriptions.

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To make Phosphine in laboratory, we would need the following equipment.
Syringe and glass tube for washing gas burette is optional, 100 mL gas burette with threaded top.
Screw top with septum and syringe guide.
Funnel (narrow neck) with wire and weight attached.
Water reservoir with tap at bottom.
The reservoir is filled with water.
After placing the funnel into the bottom of the reservoir (with the wire hanging over the edge), the gas burette is lowered into ...

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