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What could Starbucks do to make its stores even more elegant that welcomed, rewared and suprised customers?
What new products and experiece can Starbucks provide and how can they reach people who are not coffee drinkers?
What strategic paths can Starbucks pursue its objectives as becoming the most respected and recognized brands in the world?

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What strategic paths can Starbucks pursue its objectives as becoming the most respected and recognized brands in the world?

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What could Starbucks do to make its stores even more elegant that welcomed, rewarded and surprised customers?

Starbucks can start selling premium coffees and brewing machines from different parts of the world like Italia, Colombia and Turkey and educate its customers about different characteristics of these products. This can help the firm to attract a loyal elite customer segment that perceives value from the company's products. This would also protect the company from downward price pressures. The firm can emphasize technology ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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